Nonetheless, McHarg helped us to promote, protect, and preserve urban green spaces. McHarg was however closely involved in planning the Nigerian Capital city, Abuja, but his sound master plan was ill-equipped to provide for a nation undergoing post-conflict rebuilding and a local population more concerned with access to land than ecological planning. Although McHarg advised many urban authorities in the USA and other countries, especially in Africa, Asia and Europe, and his ideas had influenced some British new towns, they had little attention in the planning of Milton Keynes, England’s largest new urban settlement, where the initial geological surveys were inadequate, but a successful large tree-planting program has created a “city in the forest”.

McHarg argued that ecological design should follow planning based on detailed site information. The book emerged in the wake of publications that worried about the ability of the earth to support expanding populations and their growing impact on the environment. Ian McHarg’s 1969 book, Design with Nature, was grounded in earlier good practice, especially the European vision of fitting cities into the regional landscape and carrying thorough surveys before planning commenced. Keywords: megastructure, design competition, Curitiba, diffusion of architecture ideas Based on formal analysis and backed by literature review, the paper relies on logical argumentation to reveal that the conformation of the winning proposal promoted the modernization of the architecture thought in Brazil. By asking what characterized it, this paper accounts for eventual references and contextualizes them in the architectural culture of the 1970s. The winning design still draws attention by having potentialized certain aspects of the modernist architecture. The team brought together professionals from three new architecture studios, namely Alfred Willer, José Hermeto Palma Sanchotene, Oscar Miller, Joel Ramalho, Leonardo Oba, Ariel Stelle, Rubens Sanchotene, and the students Guilherme Zamoner and Edmar Meissner. In 1973, a team of architects based in Curitiba won the first prize in the national contest for the design of the National Bank for Economic Development (BNDE) headquarters in Brasília. Nas décadas de 1960 essas megaestruturas surgiram como uma possibilidade de resposta às crises das cidades relacionadas ao aumento da densidade urbana, a infraestrutura de suporte para o transporte e a falta de habitação, uma Contudo, esses sistemas modulares também evidenciam uma certa contradição na sua referência à arquitetura modernista, uma vez que partiram da lógica racional da forma pura, mas também a distorceram com o agigantamento da estrutura e a exploração formal, com a subtração dos módulos, alternando caprichosamente o perímetro estabelecido, sobretudo como possibilidade de apresentar algo novo e mais eloquente.

As megaestruturas pressupõem alguns precursores, como as obras de infraestruturas para as pontes das cidades medievais europeias os pavilhões em aço e vidro das feiras nos séculos XIX os complexos projetos habitacionais de Le Corbusierantes da Segunda Guerra Mundial como o plano Obús para Argele depois, como a Unitè d'Habitation em Marseille (cf. It highlights the design deficiencies and poor political decisions that blighted the megastructure before commenting on the implications of this episode for understanding the relationship between architectural modernism and town planning. The final section reflects on the abandonment of the megastructural principle after Phase 2 and considers the wider significance of this episode. The fourth section reviews the various phases of implementation, concentrating on the two initial phases – the only ones that proceeded in line with the original megastructural schema. The third part discusses the way that Cumbernauld's town centre, one of the few megastructures ever built, evolved as the chosen form for this site, looking at the progress from initial ideas through to the formal design. The next section examines the background to the designation of Cumbernauld New Town and the challenges that its location posed for town centre design. The first supplies conceptual background, by seeing the Central Area as an expression of thinking about megastructures. This paper, which considers the genesis, development and subsequent reassessment of this extraordinary structure, comprises five main parts. The development of the Central Area at Cumbernauld New Town was a landmark in town centre design and an intriguing example of the convergence between architectural modernism and town planning in the 1950s and 1960s.